Maci is a Seal Point Balinese. She is from my own line here at Indigo Cats of Pa, her mother is Lucy and her father is Romeo. Maci is the sweetest, I mean sweetest girl. She is so loving and she looks at you with her beautiful big blue eyes, it just melts your heart. Maci is also queen of head bumps and chasing the feather toy. She is also a wonderful mother
Beatrice is a Seal Point Balinese. She is from my own line here at Indigo Cats of Pa, her mother is Lucy and her father is Romeo. Sweet Bea as I often refer to her.....she is calm but owner of the feather toy. Beatrice loves to be a lap cat and head bumps just like her sister Maci. She is also a wonderful mother.
Plum is a beautiful Blue Point Balinese from my lines here at Indigo Cats of Pa. Her mother is Beatrice a stunning Seal Point Balinese, and her father Matteo a Lilac Lynx Point. Plum has the sweetest little meow but is a skilled player with the feather toy. She loves to be loved, and is such a gentle soul. Her eye color is a beautiful sapphire blue. He nick name is Plummie and she comes running every time I call her.
Roxie is a beautiful Blue Lynx Point Balinese from my lines here at Indigo Cats of Pa. Her mother is Beatrice a stunning Seal Point Balinese, and her father Matteo a Lilac Lynx Point. Roxie is all about interactive toys, she comes running whenever there is a teaser in sight, but is still a very sweet and loving Balinese. Just like her sister Plum, she has beautiful sapphire colored eyes.
Julie is from our own line here at Indigo Cats of Pa. She is our beautiful Seal Point Torite Balinese. Her parents are Paige and Romeo who are now retired. Julie is having a lot of fun running around playing with the gang here. Julie is very gentle and sweet cat. She is always pleasant, and loving. She is the best Mama, she also producing red point males which are so sweet.
Tovee is a beautiful Lilac Lynx Point Balinese. She is from my own line here at Indigo Cats of Pa, her parents are Maci and Matteo. Tovee along with her sister Maxine are so sweet and lovable that it's so hard to get good pictures of them because they are both wanting lovins. Tovee is so so sweet, you can even see her sweet spirit in her eyes.